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Community opposes Australian takeover

96% of Norfolk Islander oppose Australian takeover, new survey finds.

Contrary to the usual political spin that their takeover of Norfolk Island was ever supported by a ‘substantial majority of Islanders’, evidence shows continued opposition to Australia’s takeover of the island.

A survey taken recently asked the question about governance with four options to choose from. Only 3.28% of respondents (15 votes) wanted full integration with Australia. An overwhelming majority of voters (442 votes) wanted anything but to remain under the current Australian system, with voters showing a Free Association model was a firm preference.

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

While the Commonwealth can continue their mind numbingly unimaginative, and false, assertions that their takeover of Norfolk Island was ever supported by a ‘substantial majority of Islanders’, they should probably ponder the wisdom of repeatedly lying in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary. 

This survey could be the perfect launching pad. It is a catalyst for genuine negotiations on a new model of government that respects the views and wishes of the Norfolk Island people and reflects their ownership of Norfolk Island and its resources, their strong historic connection to the island, and their unique and separate heritage and identity as a race of people who desire to manage their own affairs in a way that addresses the very specific needs, culture, value and challenges of their island home and its people.


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